/How to Make Money From Home

How to Make Money From Home

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Economic downturns can be frightening, so pick yourself up and make some money in an environment you control.

Be aware of internet scams claiming "fast and easy cash."

Step 1: Search for ideas
Search for side job ideas, or a new career for free online. Don't limit yourself to just one country. You can work remotely in Australia, Canada, the U.K. — any place in the world can be your zone of operations thanks to the internet.

Step 2: Offer your creative talents
Offer your creative talent as a writer or editor on contract to firms and individuals. A market exists for someone who can provide incisive criticism, linguistic surgery, quick fixes, and inspired revisions.

Try blogging to see if you can attract enough readers to pick up some advertising revenue.

Step 3: Contract with online services
Contract with online customer service and telemarketing companies who need people for order taking, sales, problem solving, or counseling.

Step 4: Experiment with auctions
Experiment with online auctions, learning to research, negotiate, and pull the trigger to make money on every sale.

Step 5: Design a site
Download free templates to design sites for businesses using a free hosting service. Link streaming video and advertising shorts to your site to excite potential customers. Consider freelancing as a web designer.

With a home-based business, you can carry deductions into the next year if they weren't advantageous because of current year losses.

Step 6: Work in entertainment
Record samples of your voice, reading commercial copy, and interview with a local agent as a voice-over specialist.

You may have to outfit a room with soundproofing and high-end recording equipment.

Step 7: Answer surveys
Pick up extra cash answering questions for survey websites and becoming a mystery shopper who rates stores and products for money and discount coupons. Provide feedback for online focus groups.

Step 8: Start a network
Start a network marketing group. Whether selling insurance, legal services, food products, or supplements, bring in as many downline sellers as you need to make money without having to drive to an office every day.

Did You Know?
A 2009 survey found that over 17 million Americans were working from home one day a month — an increase of 74 percent from 3 years previous.