/Learn how to Day Trade Gappers and Gaps (Beginner Momentum Trading Strategies)

Learn how to Day Trade Gappers and Gaps (Beginner Momentum Trading Strategies)

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1. Your first big step to becoming a day trader in less than 90 days 📆 ⏰ is to register for my next FREE Day Trading Webinar 📽📺 👨‍🏫 When you register, you'll get a free digital copy of my best-selling book (best-seller on Amazon) titled "How to Day Trade" 📚 –

2. Are you sick of the PDT rule? ❌🚫 Me too! Check out my favorite stock broker for small day trading accounts 🏆🥇 –

3. Read case studies from students who have made hundreds of thousands of dollars 💰💵 since learning my strategy –

4. Ever wondered how much a day trader makes? I've pulled back the curtains by posting my verified ✅ broker statements showing over $1mil 💵💰👀 in trading profits –

5. Okay, so I make money…But do my students make money? Good question! Here's a success story about John's path to making over $500k 💰💵 since learning my trading strategies –

6. Ready to take the leap? You can watch me trading every morning as a member of our day trading chat room. 👨‍💻👩‍💻🖥 –

7. Curious how I set up my trading computers? Check out this video here on setting up your first day trading station 🎙🎛⌨️🕹🖥🖥🖥📠 –

For day traders to achieve success in the market, a sound strategy is required. For profits to be realized, discipline is needed. One of the best strategies that has proven to work over time is the Gap and Go strategy. To understand what Gap and Go strategy is all about, you need to understand some of its basic terms for examples gaps.

What are Gaps?
In trading, gaps refer to locations on the chart where the price of a security moves sharply in an upward or downward direction while little or no trading happens. This reflects a gap on the normal price pattern. Experienced traders have always interpreted and exploited these gaps for profit and that is what you are going to do with the Gap and Go strategy.

One thing you need to note is that gaps do not occur naturally. There are underlying factors that contribute to this phenomenon. For example when the earnings of a company are higher than expected, the said company will experience a rise in its stock value. This simply means that the price will start higher when the market opens than when the market closed the day before.

Learn the Gap and Go Strategy: ✅
