/How Much Money do you get for 1000 Views on YouTube?

How Much Money do you get for 1000 Views on YouTube?

If you want more subscribers and to start making money on youtube check out
Look at how much money do you get for 1000 views on YouTube in 2017. In this video I will show that how much does youtube pay per 1000 views and How much money do I get per 1000 views on YouTube?
how much is 1000 views worth on YouTube ?
how much money do you get for 1000 views ?
how much money do you get for 1000 views on YouTube ?

How Much Money Per 1000 Views:

My 2016 YouTube Income:

Earned 100 dollars on YouTube:

Earned 6 dollars on YouTube:

Earned 3 Dollars on YouTube:

Earned 2 Dollars on YouTube:

When I earned my First Dollar on YouTube:

hi everyone this is my Anderson market
and today I was going through my comment
section and I was reading your guys
comments and I saw a comment over and
over again that was how much money
youtubers earn per thousand views so
everybody wants to know how much money
YouTube pays per thousand views to a
youtuber so in this video I’m going to
address this quotient and will also
explain in the later section that what
all kind of things you know matters in
this and will also show you how much
money I am making per thousand views so
let me begin this video by saying that
youtubers don’t get money for people
watching their videos take at money for
people watching the advertisements the
ads around their videos for example
let’s say your video has 50,000 views
but only there were thousand times the
ad got displayed before your videos so
you won’t get money for those 50,000
views you will only get money for the
thousand times the ads were shown before
or on your videos the other very
important factor is that who is watching
your videos are people from countries
like USA Canada UK are watching your
videos or people from Asian countries
let’s say India Pakistan or Bhutan are
watching your videos because
interviewers from the USA Canada UK
developed countries you will get more
money per read whereas as compared clips
of viewers are from Pakistan India
Bhutan Afghanistan you will get very
less money as compared to USA Canada and
UK because advertisers in a CRS in India
and Pakistan don’t pay that much to
YouTube to display their ads on your
videos so besides that there’s another
important factor called the type of ads
on YouTube we have different types of
fetch let’s say capable ads non
skippable ads display ad bumper ads so
different type of fat is equal to
different amount of money
so other than type of S
the other important thing is the content
of your videos what kind of content are
you publishing in your videos are your
videos are funny or they’re Bank videos
tech review videos educational videos
make a video section videos so every
different type of content has different
type of ads on them so that way it also
varies what kind of content you are
publishing in your videos and what kind
of ads advertisers bidding on your video
there are also other couple of factors
that impact your YouTube earnings I’d
say per thousand view how much you won
so let me just quickly show you guys how
much money I am making per thousand
views and then you can get the clear
idea about how you can see how much
money you are earning per thousand views
and now let’s get into the video so guys
as you can see this is my channel here
and we are under the analytics section
so here you can see that this is my
YouTube ad revenue $642 so this is the
total amount that I have earned this
file from YouTube and out of this
YouTube takes 45% and I only get 55%
about it let’s cancel this tab and this
is the interesting thing guys here as I
was explaining before so here as can see
the number of total views of my lifetime
so from India the total number of views
I got on 66 thousand from United States
the views are forty thousand four
hundred ninety seven Canada eighteen
thousand Pakistan is thousand so as per
these figures I should get maximum
amount of money from India as I have the
sixty thousand views from India now
let’s switch this tab here you can see
from India I have only earned that $39
whereas a United State I have
and $160 let’s go back and see for the
Canada in Canada I have earned $77
Canada I have only 18,000 views and
still I have earned more than India so
that’s what guys are saying before that
video that it really matters or not in
which language you are making a video as
unions will mostly watch videos in Hindi
same as Pakistan
so here the Pakistan in the views number
they are like I have a thousand views
from Pakistan let’s go to the money tab
and but from the 8,000 views I have only
earned 3 Donner’s 11 cents from Pakistan
and now let’s move to the third tab this
is that guys category of ads so these
are the five types capable display
bumper capable video ads these are the
result that someone has a result your
general to book advil and non skippable
ads so as you can see I have earned most
of my money from skippable ads $462 and
then the squee ads 31 33 dollars here is
the interesting thing on the display ads
this is CPM guys so CPM if you click
here effective cost per mile or the
estimated average grass revenue per
thousand served ad impression so this is
basically the thousandth time the ad was
display on my channel I got 1,300 $13.10
unskipable video ad whereas for display
ads I only got one point one seven cents
per thousand impressions so and these
are the ad impressions so for only
thirty five thousand times skippable ads
were displays on my
uni got $462 there as one lakh 13
thousand times
display ads were displayed on my channel
and I earned one thirty three hundred
thirty four cents so you get the ideas
these are the really important factors
here and I’m going to show you my
today’s running disaster
today to put in January 15 then here can
you see estimated unneeded zero because
it’s still calculating its Adsense is
really slow and these are the page views
the page views are the total number of
views people have bought my channel
today if you click on here a page view
is what Google counts and you report
every time I use the views up beat
displaying Google ads we count one page
view regardless of the number of ads
displayed on that page so even sometimes
in a video you can have four to five ads
in a single video first non skippable
ads then a display or a bumper ad right
next are on the top of the video and
then even in the middle of the video you
have a other ad so and then these are
the impressions so click here on this
question mark and depression is
conquered for each ad requested that
returns at least add to the site it is
the number of ad units for the content
hence search queries rubber and these
are the clicks 45 clicks so these are
the number of page views today and out
of these only 1115 times the ads were
displayed on my channel and out of 1115
impressions 45 times people have clicked
on those ads and they saw it these are
the other things we will discuss from
the other so you get the idea total
number of views per day as this weight
on them and then people clicked on that
so this is how YouTube calculates how
much you are earning I’ve also created a
video about the importance of
subscribers on YouTube and how many
verse do you need to start earning money
on YouTube so that video can be found in
the above card and the description below
so guys if you have liked the video
smash that thumbs up and also subscribe
to my channel if you have any questions
please let me know
under the comment section have a good
day guys now bye

hi everyone this is my Anderson market
and today I was going through my comment
section and I was reading your guys
comments and I saw a comment over and
over again that was how much money
youtubers earn per thousand views so
everybody wants to know how much money
YouTube pays per thousand views to a
youtuber so in this video I’m going to
address this quotient and will also
explain in the later section that what
all kind of things you know matters in
this and will also show you how much
money I am making per thousand views so
let me begin this video by saying that
youtubers don’t get money for people
watching their videos take at money for
people watching the advertisements the
ads around their videos for example
let’s say your video has 50,000 views
but only there were thousand times the
ad got displayed before your videos so
you won’t get money for those 50,000
views you will only get money for the
thousand times the ads were shown before
or on your videos the other very
important factor is that who is watching
your videos are people from countries
like USA Canada UK are watching your
videos or people from Asian countries
let’s say India Pakistan or Bhutan are
watching your videos because
interviewers from the USA Canada UK
developed countries you will get more
money per read whereas as compared clips
of viewers are from Pakistan India
Bhutan Afghanistan you will get very
less money as compared to USA Canada and
UK because advertisers in a CRS in India
and Pakistan don’t pay that much to
YouTube to display their ads on your
videos so besides that there’s another
important factor called the type of ads
on YouTube we have different types of
fetch let’s say capable ads non
skippable ads display ad bumper ads so
different type of fat is equal to
different amount of money
so other than type of S
the other important thing is the content
of your videos what kind of content are
you publishing in your videos are your
videos are funny or they’re Bank videos
tech review videos educational videos
make a video section videos so every
different type of content has different
type of ads on them so that way it also
varies what kind of content you are
publishing in your videos and what kind
of ads advertisers bidding on your video
there are also other couple of factors
that impact your YouTube earnings I’d
say per thousand view how much you won
so let me just quickly show you guys how
much money I am making per thousand
views and then you can get the clear
idea about how you can see how much
money you are earning per thousand views
and now let’s get into the video so guys
as you can see this is my channel here
and we are under the analytics section
so here you can see that this is my
YouTube ad revenue $642 so this is the
total amount that I have earned this
file from YouTube and out of this
YouTube takes 45% and I only get 55%
about it let’s cancel this tab and this
is the interesting thing guys here as I
was explaining before so here as can see
the number of total views of my lifetime
so from India the total number of views
I got on 66 thousand from United States
the views are forty thousand four
hundred ninety seven Canada eighteen
thousand Pakistan is thousand so as per
these figures I should get maximum
amount of money from India as I have the
sixty thousand views from India now
let’s switch this tab here you can see
from India I have only earned that $39
whereas a United State I have
and $160 let’s go back and see for the
Canada in Canada I have earned $77
Canada I have only 18,000 views and
still I have earned more than India so
that’s what guys are saying before that
video that it really matters or not in
which language you are making a video as
unions will mostly watch videos in Hindi
same as Pakistan
so here the Pakistan in the views number
they are like I have a thousand views
from Pakistan let’s go to the money tab
and but from the 8,000 views I have only
earned 3 Donner’s 11 cents from Pakistan
and now let’s move to the third tab this
is that guys category of ads so these
are the five types capable display
bumper capable video ads these are the
result that someone has a result your
general to book advil and non skippable
ads so as you can see I have earned most
of my money from skippable ads $462 and
then the squee ads 31 33 dollars here is
the interesting thing on the display ads
this is CPM guys so CPM if you click
here effective cost per mile or the
estimated average grass revenue per
thousand served ad impression so this is
basically the thousandth time the ad was
display on my channel I got 1,300 $13.10
unskipable video ad whereas for display
ads I only got one point one seven cents
per thousand impressions so and these
are the ad impressions so for only
thirty five thousand times skippable ads
were displays on my
uni got $462 there as one lakh 13
thousand times
display ads were displayed on my channel
and I earned one thirty three hundred
thirty four cents so you get the ideas
these are the really important factors
here and I’m going to show you my
today’s running disaster
today to put in January 15 then here can
you see estimated unneeded zero because
it’s still calculating its Adsense is
really slow and these are the page views
the page views are the total number of
views people have bought my channel
today if you click on here a page view
is what Google counts and you report
every time I use the views up beat
displaying Google ads we count one page
view regardless of the number of ads
displayed on that page so even sometimes
in a video you can have four to five ads
in a single video first non skippable
ads then a display or a bumper ad right
next are on the top of the video and
then even in the middle of the video you
have a other ad so and then these are
the impressions so click here on this
question mark and depression is
conquered for each ad requested that
returns at least add to the site it is
the number of ad units for the content
hence search queries rubber and these
are the clicks 45 clicks so these are
the number of page views today and out
of these only 1115 times the ads were
displayed on my channel and out of 1115
impressions 45 times people have clicked
on those ads and they saw it these are
the other things we will discuss from
the other so you get the idea total
number of views per day as this weight
on them and then people clicked on that
so this is how YouTube calculates how
much you are earning I’ve also created a
video about the importance of
subscribers on YouTube and how many
verse do you need to start earning money
on YouTube so that video can be found in
the above card and the description below
so guys if you have liked the video
smash that thumbs up and also subscribe
to my channel if you have any questions
please let me know
under the comment section have a good
day guys now bye