/How Long Does It Take To Learn To Trade? ๐ŸŽ“๐Ÿ‘

How Long Does It Take To Learn To Trade? ๐ŸŽ“๐Ÿ‘

How long does it take to learn to trade? PLEASE LIKE AND SHARE THIS VIDEO SO WE CAN DO MORE! How much time will it take to learn to trade? How long does it take to learn day trading? How long does it take to become a successful trader i.e. you manage to extract and profit from stock market movements. These kind of questions come in frequently and it is understandable. Learning to trade – it really depends what you mean – if its about understanding the market mechanics, how long it takes to understand the market or what a broker does and how trading works (going long or short or candlestick patterns or placing a trade) maybe it will take you a month. That is fairly simple stuff. I consider learning to trade someone who develops a certain element of profitability. I don't use the word consistency because trading doesn't work like that and we are all likely to have rough patches. If you are making more money than you are losing over time that to me means that you have the ability to take money from the market and at that point you've basically learned how to trade. For me it took me long years and there is never a finish line; you are always evolving and adapting to changing market conditions. So how long will it take me to learn how to trade?

Realistically I think you can learn how to trade and make money in 6 months these days if you are very focused, disciplined and have good foundations.