/Day Trading Strategies for Beginners: Class 1 of 12

Day Trading Strategies for Beginners: Class 1 of 12

Hey! If you have ANY questions πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’»πŸ€”β“ about my day trading strategies, ask them below! I personally respond to EVERY question posted on my videos πŸ€“πŸ™

These are your 9 steps πŸ“š to starting your journey as a day trader….

1. Your first step to becoming a day trader in less than 90 days πŸ“† ⏰ is to register for my next FREE Day Trading 101 Webinar πŸ“½πŸ“Ί πŸ‘¨β€πŸ« When you register you’ll get a free copy of my best selling book titled “How to Day Trade” πŸ“š –

2. Your second step is to remember to ask me questions! I personally respond to every comment on my YouTube πŸ€“πŸ™

3. Curious about how much I’ve made? Check out my verified βœ… broker statements from when I turned $583.15 into over $1mil πŸ’΅πŸ’°πŸ‘€ –

4. Wondering how much my students make? Read a case study of one students journey to making over $500,000 dollars πŸ’°πŸ’΅ since learning my strategy –

5. Want to watch me day trading LIVE? πŸ–₯πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’»πŸ‘©β€πŸ’» Join my day trading chat room and trade side by side with me –

6. Ready to fine tune your strategy by practicing in a real-time Paper Trading Simulator? πŸ““πŸ“ˆπŸ“š –

7. No PDT rule! ❌🚫 My recommended stock broker for small day trading accounts (less than $5k) πŸ†πŸ₯‡ –

8. Don’t understand the lingo? πŸˆ΅πŸ’±πŸˆ³πŸˆ―οΈ Learn the most important day trading terminology –

9. Tips & tricks for setting up your first multi-monitor day trading station πŸ–₯βŒ¨οΈπŸ•ΉπŸ“ πŸŽ™πŸŽ› –


For 2019 I’ve updated all of my momentum day trading strategies to adapt to the current volatility in the market! Make sure you register to my upcoming webinar to learn what has changed in my strategy since this video was first uploaded!

This class you are watching is Class 1 of the Warrior Pro Course. It was taught live in 2015. Today’s Class 1 has changed substantially. First of all, it’s in WIDESCREEN format! Secondly, the content has been updated to reflect changes in the market in the last several years. I’ve found each year I teach the classes they get a little bit better. I hope this class inspires you to take the leap, take the path less traveled, and learn more about what it takes to become a day trader.

// Helpful Links
Day Trading Chat Room:
DayTrading Courses:
Gap and Go Trading Strategy:
Momentum Trading Strategy:
Reversal Trading Strategy:
Contact Info:

β€œGive a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime”…

// Learn How to Day Trade
As Day Traders our mission is simple. We are looking for stocks that we expect will move in a predictable direction. We want to take a position with a predefined stop level and profit target. Sounds easy right? In a lot of ways it is. But there are literally thousands of different strategies for trading the market. Every trader has a unique approach to trading. Our goal is to teach you our strategies. I have developed a series of profitable trading strategies for beginners. Our Trading Courses focus on the most fundamental aspects of a successful trade.

// Chart Patterns
After you understand risk management and proper stock selection, we teach you how to find stock patterns on charts. These patterns are how we base our risk and reward. We look for chart patterns that have well defined areas of support and resistance. We will use previous support levels as our stop price, or our risk, and we look at previous resistance areas as our initial profit target, or our reward. If the profit vs loss ratio is 2:1 we will take the trade. I teach both day trading strategies and swing trading strategies. For day trading we focus primarily on 5min charts while swing traders focus more on daily charts. The patterns in general are the same. I teach traders how to find patterns in real-time including Bull Flags, Bear Flags, Flat Tops, Flat Bottoms, and Rubber Band Reversal Setups.

great everyone welcome to class one
of our day trading course so as you guys
know my name is Ross Cameron and also this is
our 8 week long program in day
trading alright so initial phase here
we’re gon na cover a lot of the basics
and we will certainly enter even more detail as we
go so you might have some concerns today
that will certainly be answered in the coming days
but you can naturally do not hesitate to call
out your responses in the chat room and also
any person seeing on the recording you can
do not hesitate to email me Ross at date red
warrior comm alright so initial concern
right here just how does day trading job all right so
as well as one more another thing to ask right here is
what are we searching for as day investors
all right we talked about this a little
bit today it’s an extremely simple concept yet
we’re looking for stocks that are relocating
ok as day traders we profit from
volatility in the market so if the
markets are level we’re not going to make
money we require to locate supplies that are
gon na make quick relocate to the advantage or
the drawback in a reasonably foreseeable
alright so we benefit from volatility when
is the market one of the most volatile it’s in
the morning okay it’s in the morning at
the open 9:30 to 10:30 in the morning
the initial hour is when we have one of the most
quantity on the market fine so we have a.
lot of volatility as well as we have a lot of.
quantity now the advantage of having that.
quantity is it gives liquidity when we.
have a great deal of volume it means there’s a.
lot of customers as well as a lot of vendors so we.
can quickly enter as well as out of trades and also.
now on the other hand mid day we can have.
unstable markets however we do not have the.
volume which suggests we lack liquidity.
which means it’ll be more difficult to enter.
and also out of stocks fine specifically if we.
intend to take large size so my focus has.
always been trading at the open and also.
trading in the morning I discover that the.
first one to two day trades generally four.
out of 5 days I can hit my objective in.
the very first thirty minutes with one to 2.
professions I maintain it straightforward I try to strike my.
daily goal and then.
ease up right we understand just how fast it is to.
lose cash so when we have some cash in.
our pocket we wish to hang on to that.
alright so we understand we wish to locate.
stocks that are relocating yet locating.
supplies are gon na move in a reasonably.
predictable way is the struggle right.
that’s the battle for every investor how.
do we find a supply that’s gon na make a.
relocation and also insinuate a reduced risk entrance.
which’s nitty-gritty searching for.
low-risk entries whenever we trade we.
recognize we’re revealing ourselves to run the risk of so.
how do we lessen that threat that’s what.
we call discovering an excellent establish any excellent.
established is an opportunity for us to get.
into a trade with this little danger as.
feasible so an excellent set up implies we might.
be running the risk of $100 however we have the.
prospective to make 300 fine so we would certainly.
call that a three-to-one profit loss.
ratio risking 100 to make 300 is 3 to 1.
okay currently on the flip side if you.
enter an arrangement where you’re taking the chance of $100.
to make 10 you have a negative risk.
incentive proportion which’s mosting likely to be a.
trade that you must not take all right.
so we’re always seeking.
opportunities to obtain low-risk entrances.
with big wind possibility however being able.
to recognize arrangements that have huge wind.
possibility is likewise part of the learning.
procedure right as a beginner investor you.
might not have the ability to distinguish.
various arrangements and also acknowledge what is a.
homerun possible flag as well as what is a.
more than likely failing flag that’s.
something that features experience however.
additionally with training all right so our job as.
day investors is to constantly hunt for volume.
and volatility.
okay so we’re searching the market all.
day long looking for that volatility so.
we search for earnings launches we look.
for press releases any kind of drivers.
that can cause huge movement in the supply.
we’re gon na want all of it.
right as well as it is available in many forms as well as.
we’ll review those in more information later.
in the training course.
so here’s one more concern why do the majority of.
investors stop working right day trading calls for.
you to make quick choices and also at the.
same time it requires you to be really.
disciplined right now when we listen to.
damaging news that activist investor has.
simply taken a risk in Amazon okay the.
first reaction may be to load the.
watercraft allowed’s buy 5,000 shares of Amazon.com.
right placed on a large order that resembles.
a 1.5 million dollar order right yet you.
require to be able to make a fast choice.
whether you should buy or sell or brief.
that stock as well as make it with discipline.
does this match my trading method.
what method would certainly this fit into if.
this profession goes the wrong way what is my.
quit how much my risking in this trade.
and also what is the reward possible right.
being able to make all those decisions.
and also making certain those decisions match.
our threat resistance and our technique.
criteria is what for a great deal of investors.
is extremely hard it’s multitasking but.
it’s multitasking when you’re under.
stress and anxiety you recognize there’s times where I’ve.
remained in a profession where I had excessive.
sighs maybe I had 10,000 15,000 shares.
and all I need to do is offer as well as I’m.
taking a look at my secrets and also it comes to be tough.
to even find out exactly how to punch the.
right tricks you just type of get this.
minute of paralysis where you’re.
overloaded and also at any time that takes place.
you realize that you pushed on your own a.
little bit also far out of your convenience area.
which will occur to every one people.
I suggest it happened it’s happened to me.
it’ll happen to all of you from time to.
time ideal it’s it’s excellent to deal with the.
edge of our comfort degrees so we’re.
always pressing our limits but if we.
discover ourselves far outside our convenience.
level and outside our danger tolerance we.
can really wind up making some big.
blunders so it’s always good to be in.
touch with ourselves both of our sort of.
mood of you recognize are you.
focused are you calm are you making great.
decisions you understand as well as likewise communicate.
the result of your decisions are you.
trading successfully have you had 5.
victors straight or if you had 5.
losers straight right because unavoidably.
when we get on the shedding touch it’s.
mosting likely to begin to hinder our judgment so.
being able to be in touch with your very own.
emotions as well as keep calmness even.
via a losing streak is truly actually.
all right so skill and discipline these are.
like muscular tissues they require workout to.
grow as well as it’s not something that when.
you grow them you have them permanently and also.
you don’t need to service them anymore.
you still need to exercise them right.
and that that’s what I experience every.
day I’m still exercising my ability to.
have self-constraint to have discipline.
now the skill is something that.
I have actually accumulated so you can’t remove the.
ability to ride a bike and also you can’t.
remove the skill to determine good.
supply graphes right those are abilities but.
the discipline is something that we.
constantly need to work with and also the skills.
you understand in reality or something that.
we’re constantly establishing and also refining.
it’s this is a work where we’re constantly.
learning which is terrific it’s really.
stimulating however it is necessary to.
bear in mind that if you begin to obtain.
complacent and also believe oh I understand.
whatever you understand I don’t require to you.
recognize I do not require to research any longer.
oftentimes you’ll get a fast adjustment.
as well as you’ll lose money to ensure that’s the.
market fixing you okay so being.
able to make quick decisions and also comply with.
your trading guidelines that is vital for.
success on the market as we happen with.
this program we’re gon na yap around.
risk administration everything that we do is.
gon na return to how are you taking care of.
danger since inevitably that is the most.
important concept for an investor to.
recognize all day I’m taking care of.
risk that’s what I’m doing I’m trading.
stocks but I’m handling danger okay so.
we’re gon na educate you how to manage danger.
so you can make great decisions okay.
now next exactly how do you discover trades.
fine this is truly difficult for line new.
traders you might comprehend the concept of.
trading but when it comes down to.
really finding setups in real time it.
can be actually tough.
I absolutely experienced this as a new.
investor I might be able to see arrangements in.
hindsight when I looked back on graphes.
during the day however to find them while.
the day was unfolding was actually.
tough for me so we’re gon na look at.
exactly how to discover the professions right so initially.
we’ll begin with scanning exactly how do we scan.
the market to locate stocks that are established.
up in a good way so first we need to.
discover the supplies and afterwards when we’ve.
found the stocks we’ll begin to try to find.
the specific arrangements okay now we are.
mosting likely to be extremely particular concerning what.
kinds of stocks and what type of setups.
agreed to trade alright and also I.
focus a lot on top quality versus amount.
now there are countless investors out.
there as well as there are countless.
approaches around I’m trading a.
approach that works for me best and.
that’s what we’re showing and also we’re.
finding that it works really well for.
our trainees also so it’s a technique.
that’s easy to execute very easy to discover.
and for a great deal of our trainees and also.
definitely for me has been really.
lucrative alright to ensure that implies only.
taking the most effective configurations as well as waiting on.
the sidelines till we see something.
worth trading and also this gets into the.
value of patience discovering to be client.
is incredibly essential there are a great deal.
of investors out there that more than.
investors if you over profession that’s where.
you’re gon na see on your own trading 20 30.
40 times a day that’s over trading over.
trading lead to very high commissions.
your broker will like you yet you’re.
paying him a great deal in compensations to do.
all those trades okay so you’re gon na.
lose money in compensations you’re additionally.
gon na lose money on professions that go south.
because of slippage is an.
unpreventable factor in the market slippage.
is when you most likely to sell as well as you assumed.
you’re costing $5 yet the market.
filled up at 490 so you lost an added 10.
cents and so what it’s an additional 10.
cents it’s not that big an offer but when.
an over trader and you’re trading 20 30.
40 times a day that slippage begins to.
really build up right 10 cents with a.
thousand shares is $100 if you do that.
10 times in a day with slippage you.
simply shed a thousand dollars right so you.
can see how if you’re mosting likely to place.
on your own right into the marketplace and take a.
profession you’re you recognize you’re quickly.
revealing on your own to the capacity of.
slippage and the possibility of various other.
types of danger that we’ll evaluate later in.
the program okay so as quickly as you’re in.
a trade you’re subjected to run the risk of so we.
do not want to expose ourselves to risk.
unless we have shown that this is a.
configuration and a technique worth trading alright.
so my method is a pattern based.
technique I do not care regarding business I.
do not care regarding what they do I don’t.
appreciate their earnings I just care.
regarding the patterns I concentrate on charts.
all right and I focus on the symbols I know.
even more supply signs than I understand the names.
of firms I’ve trained myself to simply.
concentrate on the patterns the candlesticks.
and the signs I don’t mingle.
fundamental evaluation with technological.
analysis I focus just on the technicals.
currently with that said I do hunt for a.
basic stimulant a reason a.
supply is adding if we have a supply.
that’s running up 80% I need to know.
what the catalyst is oh it’s a.
biopharmaceutical supply they just obtained.
FDA authorization or they just went through.
professional trials alright there’s a stimulant.
there I can comprehend that right however.
past that I’m not gon na be sorting.
through the seminar cup I’m not gon na.
be able to attending seminar.
calls and I could be filtering through.
their profits papers I uncommitted around.
that things I’m not a lasting investor.
I’m a day investor we trade very extremely.
quickly in some cases we trade as swiftly as.
10 second to 30 second lengthy professions and also I.
can inform you from experience that in 10.
secs you can make hundreds of.
dollars I’ve done it in ten seconds you.
can likewise shed hundreds of bucks I’ve.
done that as well so both methods the market.
moves quickly we need to make.
sure we’re placed in the ideal place.
to benefit from the revenues and also.
reduce our threat direct exposure okay as well as.
it’s really essential to acknowledge that.
like I claimed countless traders out.
there millions of strategies yet every.
investor requires an edge alright.
and you need to find your spot in the.
market where you feel comfy my.
side is focusing on patterns okay I.
concentrated on patterns because this is just.
what benefited me.
now before I was a day trader I functioned.
as a designer in New York City.
patterns have actually constantly been something that.
captivate me I’m drawn to patterns I.
pick them out anywhere I see them on.
charts and also I identified beforehand in my.
trading profession that the best configurations or.
breakouts of patterns extremely easy.
patterns a breakout of resistance a.
breakdown of assistance these patterns function.
actually well and the reason they function.
really well is because a lot of individuals.
are watching them alright currently utilizing this.
technique I can be incorrect forty percent of.
the time and also still make money that’s.
due to the fact that I’m using proper threat monitoring.
so we’ll discuss the risk monitoring.
parameters that I make use of later on in the.
course but simply now bear in mind.
that we don’t need to be right a hundred.
percent of the moment to make money we can.
be right also just half of time.
as well as you can still book a profit fine now.
one more thing to bear in mind is that in.
this market now over sixty percent.
of the quantity is mathematical.
high-frequency trading.
that implies we’re trading against.
computers so if you’ve ever before tried to.
play chess against a computer you know.
you’re always gon na lose you will constantly.
shed we’re trading supplies versus.
computer systems all right sixty percent of.
the quantity is algorithmic trading that.
for us on the one hand represents a.
problem it implies that most of.
stocks that we’re taking a look at the the.
rate action that we’re seeing is simply.
the outcome of computers and relocating.
shares around okay now on the other hand.
it implies that there’s a little.
handful of supplies daily that are.
gon na be trading on such heavy retail.
quantity okay retail instead of.
institutional mathematical trading we’ll.
be trading on such high retail volume.
that we will certainly subdue the mathematical.
trading and also we will certainly as retail traders.
control that stock we concentrate on trading.
those stocks daily those are supplies.
normally that are gapping up on.
incomes a Public Relations of some kind they have actually a.
ton of retail rate of interest and also a ton of.
retail quantity so normal traders like.
myself and all of you are going to be.
acquiring these stocks and we’re.
subduing the computer systems alright.
so these are the stocks that are gon na.
run up 20 30 40 % intraday we’ve also.
seen stocks around 200% intraday you obtain.
a big driver like FDA authorization on a.
new medicine and all the retail investors see.
it and also they acquire that stock is rising.
all right so we focus on that handful of.
stocks now if we attempt to trade the supplies.
that are trading on extremely light quantity.
and if you believe that 60% of the quantity.
on the market is high-frequency trading.
60 percent on average so it’s going to.
be much higher on some stocks as well as much.
lower on others so if we trade the.
supplies that are dominated and a lot.
greater in high-frequency trading.
we’re gon na lose cash by far every.
time it’s very hard to earn money when.
you’re trading against a computer alright.
so instead we should try to focus on the.
supplies that are gon na have a very reduced.
level of institutional high frequency.
trading fine so those are gon na be the.
stock that have for that reason a high level.
of retail rate of interest and also what produces a.
high level of retail rate of interest or buzz.
around the name it’s going to be information.
okay so each and every single day I’m trying to find.
the stimulant that’s gon na drive the.
little handful of stockpile.
all right so pattern trading when cost.
action is outlined on a chart patterns.
are created I personally utilize candlestick.
graphes so each candlestick stands for a.
time period and also you can select the.
timeframe of the chart that you’re.
checking out you can pick daily graphes.
hourly charts 5-minute charts 1 minute.
graphes etc I choose one minute and.
5-minute candle holder graphes okay below’s.
an example of what a candle holder looks.
like you have the low which is the.
base of the candle wick you have the.
high which is the high of the candle light.
wick you have the open which is the.
bottom of the body right here in the.
case of an eco-friendly candle and also you have the.
close which is the top of the body in.
the case of an eco-friendly candle all right this.
upper area right here this is the top candle.
wick this reduced location is the reduced candle light.
wick alright so these are candlesticks.
candlesticks can tell us a good deal.
regarding the basic pattern of a stock all right.
big body candle lights such as this one right.
here are extremely favorable candles like this.
that have a high wick as well as a low wick are.
usually mosting likely to be a bit more.
indecisive candle lights of uncertainty fine in.
red candle lights that have this big red body.
means that open up went to the high as well as the.
closes at the reduced this is a respectable.
indication of bearishness in the market.
right so just by learning to review.
candlesticks we can begin to produce.
some opinion on what’s the general.
attitude for the supply fine and we’ll.
review even more of these later on these.
candlesticks exactly how they form patterns this.
pattern right here is called a flag you.
have 3 large candle lights rising it can.
be anywhere from 3 to 10 or whatever you.
have a series of candle lights skyrocketing and also.
after that you have a collection of candles.
combining this is a relocation a stair.
action consolidation resting an additional relocation.
up this is an extremely typical pattern that we.
below’s an additional one.
a pop-up loan consolidation and then one more.
move up staircase tipping extremely typical.
I enjoy trading patterns because every person.
can see this everybody is enjoying this.
supply because this stock is a warm name.
today it’s a hot stock right it’s a.
gapper it has everyone’s interest so.
we’re all viewing it we see this.
pattern unraveling it has resistance at.
37 50 that’s a very clear visually it’s.
extremely clear as quickly as we break 3750.
buyers come in and also any person that is short.
covers and you get that spike up all right.
then it settles again below you individuals.
that have followed me for some time you.
recognize that I trade the very first as well as the.
2nd pullback alright so here’s the initial.
flag the first pullback below’s the.
2nd pullback.
I never trade nearly never ever trade the.
3rd I trade the initial and also second.
pullback we’ll review that even more when we.
examine my actual trading techniques and also.
configurations but just for now recognize that.
these patterns are effectively appreciated.
out there yet remember they’re only.
well appreciated on that tiny handful of.
supplies that have a great deal of quantity this is.
not mosting likely to be well valued on a.
stock that’s controlled by the computers.
since these patterns are worthless.
all right this is only a value because lots.
of individuals are enjoying these names all right.
so my routine every morning is locating.
these names that we ought to be trading ok.
so what do various other traders do right.
there’s millions of investors around.
will certainly some focus on technological signs.
like the family member strength index relocating.
average Convergence divergence moving.
typical crossovers alright there’s a great deal of.
technological indicators available there’s.
thousands ideal and some investors assume.
they have the holy grail of technological.
indications you know.
mix of the relative toughness.
index or the moving average crossover is.
a 90% successful you understand get established however.